
Magnesium is a fundamental element for wellbeing

Magnesium Is A Fundamental Element For Wellbeing

Magnesium is an essential mineral useful for combating stress, muscle cramps, premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, osteoporosis ... Magnesium is a mineral important for the well-being of the human organism: It is the most abundant in the tissues It is involved in almost all the physiological f...
Hanida Ginseng Care. All the Firming Power of Ginseng

Hanida Ginseng Care. All The Firming Power Of Ginseng

HANIDA is the first complete line that uses, in a powerful synergy, the extraordinary adaptogenic and cosmetological properties of Ginseng. The first complete line it uses, in a powerful synergy, the extraordinary adaptogenic and cosmetic properties of the GINSENG. HANIDA draws its name,...
Momordica Charantia and the Righ tBalance of Blood Sugar

Momordica Charantia And The Righ TBalance Of Blood Sugar

Momordica Charantia contains substances such as Momordina and Charantina, which help maintain normal blood sugar levels. It also contains a polypeptide whose composition is similar to that of insulin. The sugars in the blood is very important for the human body. In fact, glucose is conduced ...
Essential oils and Aromatherapy

Essential Oils And Aromatherapy

Essential oils are the most refined products that can be obtained from a plant. The personality, the soul and the vital energy of the plants are concentrated in them. These are volatile substances that evaporate rapidly, making their own aroma into the air. a target = "" title = "natural essen...
Lactose intolerance and yuo eat pizza?

Lactose Intolerance And Yuo Eat Pizza?

Conoscere l'intolleranza al lattosio e gli alimenti che lo contengono, imparare a stare meglio e a concedersi qualche sfizio e delizia in piùCos'è l'intolleranza al lattosio?Viene definita intolleranza al lattosio il complesso dei disturbi che possono presentarsi per l'incapacità di digeri...
Aromatherapy and Rebalancing of the Seven Chakras

Aromatherapy And Rebalancing Of The Seven Chakras

Gli oli essenziali naturali e le loro frequenze vibrazionali possono essere utilizzati per favorire il benessere ed il riequilibrio dei 7 punti chakra. In questo articolo scopriremo quali sono gli oli essenziali specifici per ogni punto chakra ed impareremo due tecniche di utilizzo con il fine di ar...
Eucommia ulmoides, a bark against hypertension

Eucommia Ulmoides, A Bark Against Hypertension

From the ancient repertory of Traditional Chinese Medicine comes eucommia ulmoides, a plant with valid and safe physiological properties on our cardio-circulatory system and on those biological mechanisms that serve to maintain the balance of our pressure. Dùzòng, the prehistoric rubber ...